Tools to learn Esperanto
Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language designed to foster global communication. On this page, you'll find a curated list of the best tools to learn Esperanto, including online platforms and resources. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, these tools will support your journey in mastering Esperanto and enhancing your language skills. This page contains 14 tools to learn Esperanto.
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Esperanto KitA newsletter by Tomaso Alexander to help you learn Esperanto. -
Eventa ServoEventa Servo is your gateway to spoken fluency, offering a comprehe... -
Esperanto in 12 LessonsLearn Esperanto in 12 free lessons with the fastest course to maste... - is a virtual community for teachers, course directors, ... -
Lernulernu! is a multilingual website that provides free courses and inf... -
NuenkiLearn a language while you browse the web. Nuenki translates sente... -
DropsWord by word, Drops helps you learn new vocabulary through fun, fas... -
DuostoriesImprove your Duolingo learning with community translated Duolingo s... -
I Kinda Like LanguagesI Kinda Like Languages offers free, no-registration language course...